All Around the World
Together We Can Save Our Life
By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans.
No time to waste. Act now!
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Open Your Eyes
The Coast for Bali
Shocking footage has emerged showing a Bali ocean containing tonnes of plastic waste, showing the damage that humans are doing to the world's ocean.
Blue Planet II
Plastic Pollution Awareness 2018
Sir David Attenborough's haunting message on plastic pollution in the oceans.
The Problem With Plastic
Every year an estimated eight million tonnes of the material flow into the oceans. And, over the past few months, there has been a huge increase in public and political concern about this marine pollution, to a level where it is approaching climate change as an environmental issue.
“The problem is building up so quickly that people can no longer deny its existence. That’s why we are talking about it now.”
You can read the article here.

Penalty, The World
Mandy Barker is an award winning British photographic artist whose work involving marine plastic debris has received global recognition. Her series PENALTY aims to create awareness about the issue of marine pollution by focusing attention on the football as a single plastic object and global symbol that could reach an international audience. The project involved the collaboration with members of the public from around the world after a call via social media for people to collect and post footballs they found in the sea or on the shoreline.
In total 992 marine debris balls were recovered from the world's oceans in just 4 months. 769 footballs and pieces of, with 223 other types of balls were collected from 41 different countries and islands and from 144 different beaches, by 89 members of the public.
The Future of the Oceans
BBC Earth
Our oceans are home to half of all life on earth today.
They produce around 50% of the oxygen on the planet.
It has been reported that as many as 90% of seabirds could be contaminated with plastic.
We need to ACT now.
Change your life, change your lifestyle for a NoMorePlastic Life.
The Sea Turtle
With a Straw in its Nostril
In 2015, an Olive Ridley sea turtle was found with a four-inch plastic straw lodged in it’s nasal cavity, inhibiting it’s breathing and sense of smell, critical in the ability to find food.
Last year during International Coastal Cleanup Day, over 400,000 straws and stirrers were found on beaches.
Plastic doesn't biodegrade, it photodegrades into smaller and smaller pieces, which get ingested by marine and land animals, and into our food chain.